The State Committee of Health and Safety at Work

The Implementation of the Joint American-Ukrainian Project is going to be introduced at the Mines of Ukraine

On the 31-th of March 2004 the Head of the State Committee on Supervision of Labour Safety Sergey Storchak held a conference on an implementing of the joint American-Ukrainian project regarding a drilling of degassing horizontal holes.

The conference was concerning the letter of Understanding between the Department of Labour of the United States of America and the Head of the State Committee on Supervision of Labour Safety (SCSLS) and the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine (MF&E) regarding a Technical Assistance project to improve mine safety.

The USA Mine Experts Impart Knowledge to the Miners in Lugansk District

The delegation of the US mine experts visited Lugansk district not the first time. Their visit concerned with the evaluation the conditions of the realization the project aimed at the improvement ventilation systems at mines in Lugansk and Donetsk districts.

On the 20-21 of January 2004 the group, charged by the representatives from the Department of Labour of the USA, the research officers from the University of Kentucky, the officials from the Embassy of the United States of America in Ukraine, visited “Suhodolskaya-Vostochnaya” mine of the national enterprise “Krasnodonvugillya”.

This mine was proposed by Ukrainian part to involve in the project because of its bad ventilation conditions. “Suhodolskaya-Vostochnaya” mine is a perspective enterprise which started their shaft mining of the coal layers in 1980; the explored coal reserves total 156 mln of tons. In 2003 the collective of the mine extracted 460 000 of tons.

During the visit to “Suhodolskaya-Vostochnaya” mine of the national enterprise “Krasnodonvugillya” the American and Ukrainian experts discussed the problems of the shaft mining ventilation, the issues of the reduction air leakages in slope space. The American representatives went down into the mine examined the excavation in the 12 section of the eastern sloped lava, the slopes in the depth of 915 m, eastern ventilation drift.

As the research officer Anjey Vala said Americans had a big desire to render assistance in the improvement effectiveness of the mine ventilation system. They were ready to make the ventilation system design at the laboratories of the University and make the recommendations for improving the mine ventilation system and also to introduce their own philosophy of ventilation into the project.

The Delegation of the United States has visited the Mines in Lugansk

The Delegation visited the mines of Lugansk region in order to make conclusions of the project “Miniduster” that was mainly aimed at the installation of the rock dusters. The holding company ”Krasnodonvugillya” was one of those involved in the project. The mines of the above-mentioned holding are considered to be one of the most dangerous regarding the accidents of the coal dust explosions.

After visiting the coal mines with the representatives of the territorial department of the State Committee of Safety and Health at Work of Ukraine, the US delegation was satisfied with the way of using the dusters and claimed the project to be ”a success”.

The conclusions of the mutual project included the future perspectives of the cooperation in the coal mining industry. The head of the Lugansk territorial department of the State Committee of Safety and Health at Work Georgiy Basakin stated the desire of future cooperation taking into account the already gained basis and results of mutual work.

Information Centre, Lugansk

Events to be organized on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

State Committee of Ukraine on Surveillance over Occupational Safety and Health (hereinafter – the Committee) has supported the ILO proposal to observe the World Day for Safety and Health at Work with aim of attracting attention of the society, public authorities, employers’ associations, trade unions and NGOs to the issue of industrial accidents and occupational diseases prevention.

To this end it has been decided to carry out in April 2003 a week (a month in the mining sector) of Promotion of a Safety Culture at Work at the national and regional level. The Committee’s proposal has been backed up by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In the preparatory process of the above initiative it is foreseen to carry out seminars, round tables with participation of representatives of the Committee, managers of enterprises and trade union leaders, winners of the competition “Best employer of the year” in the nomination “Best Employer of the Year in Securing Safe Work”. These seminars and round tables will be devoted to the highlighting and discussion of the issues of creation of safe and healthy working conditions in each workplace, formation of conscientious employers’ and workers’ attitude towards occupational safety and health, work culture, saving life and health of the workers as the biggest state value.

Managers of enterprises have been invited to organize days of occupational safety and competitions on occupational safety and health with participation of all workers.

At the enterprises of the mining sector it is planned to conduct a series of targeted inspections with aim of determining best managers in terms of solving the issue of aeration and meeting the requirements of powder-gas conditions, fire safety and anti-damage protection of the enterprises.

The outputs of the above measures will be summarized and worthy workers and employers will be awarded for active and efficient promotion of a safety culture at work.

The week and the month of Promoting a Safety Culture at Work will be highlighted in mass media – TV, radio, newspapers and magazines.

The Cooperation between Ukraine and the United States of America is continuing

On the 18-th of April 2003 the chairman of the Donetzk territorial department of the State Committee of Safety and Health at Work of Ukraine Nikolai Maleev met with the delegation from the USA. The independent expert of the Ministry of Labour Art Sullivan and the representative of the US Embassy in Ukraine Jacquelin McKisson charged the delegation.

The meeting was devoted to the main conclusions made after the realization of the mutual project "The struggle against the coal dust". The work on the project has been continuing for 2,5 years and the results appeared to be very efficient and positive. The representatives of the delegation have planned to visit the mines of the Donetzk district. During the visit, the issue of the usage of cleaning filters in order to prevent coal dust explosions will be discussed. After the visit the final conclusions of the project will be made.

The delegation visited Lugansk district of Ukraine with the aim to discuss the issues of the project.

At the present moment the Government of Ukraine is holding negotiations with the Embassy of the United States on the new project "The Ventilation of the Coal Mines of Ukraine".

The Information Centre

Events to be organized on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

State Committee of Ukraine on Surveillance over Occupational Safety and Health (hereinafter – the Committee) has supported the ILO proposal to observe the World Day for Safety and Health at Work with aim of attracting attention of the society, public authorities, employers’ associations, trade unions and NGOs to the issue of industrial accidents and occupational diseases prevention.

To this end it has been decided to carry out in April 2003 a week (a month in the mining sector) of Promotion of a Safety Culture at Work at the national and regional level. The Committee’s proposal has been backed up by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In the preparatory process of the above initiative it is foreseen to carry out seminars, round tables with participation of representatives of the Committee, managers of enterprises and trade union leaders, winners of the competition “Best employer of the year” in the nomination “Best Employer of the Year in Securing Safe Work”. These seminars and round tables will be devoted to the highlighting and discussion of the issues of creation of safe and healthy working conditions in each workplace, formation of conscientious employers’ and workers’ attitude towards occupational safety and health, work culture, saving life and health of the workers as the biggest state value.

Managers of enterprises have been invited to organize days of occupational safety and competitions on occupational safety and health with participation of all workers.

At the enterprises of the mining sector it is planned to conduct a series of targeted inspections with aim of determining best managers in terms of solving the issue of aeration and meeting the requirements of powder-gas conditions, fire safety and anti-damage protection of the enterprises.

The outputs of the above measures will be summarized and worthy workers and employers will be awarded for active and efficient promotion of a safety culture at work.

The week and the month of Promoting a Safety Culture at Work will be highlighted in mass media – TV, radio, newspapers and magazines.

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Webmaster: Julia Andreyeva